Monday, August 22, 2011

straight talk

it has been a long few days
first time with a PET scan so I learned some things
and ate fewer things for the last couple days

the good news is that the cancer has not spread to
soft tissue organs
the other news is that there has been
disease progression in my spine
in several locations

hence the increased tumor marker numbers

long story shorter
is that we came to the decision to try a new
treatment starting tomorrow
it is not chemo, will be monitoring closely
to see when we need to move to a more aggressive style

for the kind of cancer this is
there are more weapon/tools to throw at it than many other cancers
and yet the reality is that the number is finite
and so how to choose wisely is the name of this very serious game
once a drug is used, and the cancer "figures it out"
it is essentially useless in the future

and the big prize of A Cure for Cancer
is always on the horizon for someone's luckiest day
somebody please do not give up
we are counting on you
for the day when the declaration can be heard all over

I hope to live to hear that voiced
loud and clear
if not, I will be cheering from the Great Somewhere
Over the Rainbow
beyond the rain, the reign of tears
far beyond the fears...

tonight my son Bryan is singing in the shower
"A Whole New World" from Alladin
to sing for his girlfriend Olivia at school tomorrow
they will sing together at lunchtime when they meet
she is a very talented actress and singer/dancer
and has convinced Bryan to try out for the All School auditions
for the seasonal production of Irving Berlin's "White Christmas"
it is his senior year and he is pulling out all the stops
"go for it" whatever it may be

hearing him sing tonight
singing with him recently one of my all time favorites "Singing in the Rain"
with sweet memories of Brandon and Bryan belting out
"A Whole New World"
a year or so ago
a kitchen concert
a spontaneous, loud and amazing combustion of love and laughter
and great voices - I had no idea!
the rainbow

1 comment:

  1. Hope Bryan gets a part in the play! Fingers and toes and heart held for you gloria!! Love you!
