Saturday, April 2, 2011

trois dias

three days???
Franish or Sprench
I was sitting outside this morning wrapped in a serape style blanket
from Mexico playing with words in my head
for day-of-the-serape
maybe dia del serape getting all wrapped up physically
and figuratively
playing with words as I have done forever and ever
reflecting on the last three days...

did I just remember the french word for day?
it is jour, right? I sat in the sun and the synapses of memory were not clicking
then snap into places far and near

tres jours tres dias trois jours
latin and greek? then I need dictionaries

I am now 57 counting in 1st life years
and there have been 5 of these physical birthdays since my 2nd life began

it was a great birthday, best ever
Gary and Brandon and Bryan
thank you for surrounding me with so many expressions of heart
the ocean and bird candles
flowers cards with loving words lovely flowers
and all that food!!!

heart-gifts and cards from friends and family
party at work scrumptious lunch with my "boss"
laughing time with my little lady client
so many thoughts and moments woven together

yesterday we - Brandon Bryan and I - visited my friend Carolyn
and picked up the box she made for Bryan
and Brandon designed his box with her
we will return to ride horses
it felt so good to be in the country
to watch her nail on the pewter medallion that has a sketch of
the Boone County Barn built in 1896 from which she selected the wood
for Bryan's box...
Brandon's box will be made of lighter wood from a different part of the same barn
another unique custom made treasure box

I feel this deep sense of gratitude
thinking about the last three days
going back more culminating today
in this moment moving forward

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Gloria! I have it written on my calendar, but if you don't open the calendar-it doesn't do a lot of good!! so glad you had a good day!!latin--tres dieum-- (ominia gGaulia es divisia en tres partes ) HA! that's not right-not plural--trois jour; tres dios
