Monday, August 22, 2011

Uncle Don's very own box of chocolates

one of Brandon's favorite movies is
Forrest Gump
..."Mama always said: 'Life is like a box of chocolates;
you never know what you're gonna get.'..."

yesterday afternoon we made a little trip
to see Uncle Don (Aunt Dorothy's husband)
who is living in a nursing home in Moberly, MO

we stopped along the way to pick up
a box of chocolates
he is the king of desserts
I swear I could never understand how anyone could
down desserts with such relish and stay so slim and trim!
my jealousy was never hidden

we always exchanged Russell Stover boxes with them
at Christmas
and yesterday might as well have been Christmas
the way I see things

he lightened up when he saw us and a special light went on
when the box of candy came out!
his lucid moments are in and out
well, when I got the box opened
and offered him first pick
it was after all HIS box
he was definitely not interested in looking at the
chart showing which candy was in which little compartment
no sir, no ma'am
he raised his arm in the air
circled it around
looked everywhere else
and plunged into the box
and picked out the one
he was meant to have

the surprise was at least half the fun
we all had our approaches to selecting our chocolates
and I had to pass
since all I could eat yesterday were veggies and meat/fish
definitely not sugar
so I got to watch and be the candy waitress
which was fun
Uncle Don was game for a second piece
and swirled his arm once again
as we laughed all together

never will I see a box of chocolates
without remembering
what may wisp away from his mind
a sweet memory
to be repeated
with a smile and a quiet reflection
on life's profound simplicity


  1. I love this post about Uncle Don--I can just picture him swirling his hand and getting the chocolate!

  2. Janet, I hope you are doing well with your cataract surgeries. I think of you every day, and reflect on the beauty of sight... and what you create with your hands and eyes and inner vision...
